Thursday, May 29, 2014

Post Budget Blues

Two weeks after the Federal Budget the fur is still flying.
Are you surprised? I'm not after the effort Mr Abbott went to in Opposition making everything simple, sloganish and sooo negative.
Street Art: A sign of things to come perhaps?
They are now reaping the results of the 3 year intensive, misinformation and almost hate campaign against Labor.
Labor of course is somewhat hamstrung by its own problems, mainly having lost credibility they are still struggling to have any meaning except when behaving like Tony Abbott.

Its clear to me we will need to cut something
Its clear also that some form of taxation will need to rise to meet the outgoings, whether that is GST, Carbon Taxes, or levies.
We also face the positive tsunami of costs associated with an ageing population, expensive basics and movement of wealth offshore.
I'm happy to work, part-time til I'm 65, but by then the chronic conditions that already afflict me may be less easy to manage.
My employer may also not find me productive enough.

Attacking the most down and out is not really an efficient way of raising the funds. My observation of the people who come into my library looking for work shows me many are pretty unemployable, unless you forcibly pick them up and dump them in the outback to do hard physical labour, where personality 'quirks' may not be too important. Certainly, organisations that exist with customer service functions would not employ them.

My colleagues with disabled adult children tell me the sheltered workshops which employ them are being closed through withdrawal of funding from State and Commonwealth bodies. A retrograde step if I've ever heard one. These people actually work for what they produce, somewhat cheaper than the rest of us and are grateful for the job.

But lets face it, the poor will get much poorer with this budget.
Crime will rise, health will disimprove and an opportunity to invest in the next big thing - Carbon friendly business and jobs- is being squandered.
Apart from the deficit levy, the rich and big business are getting away with little impact on their bottom line.

So keep the Carbon Tax and Mining Tax Joe and Tony, and work on reducing the spending.
Attacking the poor, elderly and unemployed will get you sacked from Government, eventually.
Unless you produce the mother of all disinformation campaigns in the future.
A likely prospect.

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