Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I'm back after a hiatus of 6 years

While this blog may have languished over the last few years, the same can be said about the environment and renewable energy state of play in Australia. We still have the same fossil fuel loving politicians in power!

Yesterday the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, talked about the need for job creation and gas fired power plants. It's the same old BS - pander to the fossil fuel industry and peddle gas instead of coal. Peddle jobs instead of jobs that are environmentally sustainable. He's even thinking of making the Federal Government pay for this instead of allowing AGL, owner of the Riddell Power plant that is closing, to make their own plans for adding extra generation capability.

The NSW State Government announced a huge Renewable Energy Generation and the Clean Energy Council has a great map of investment as of August 2020.

So will this threat for intervention in the market turn out to expose the Australian Public to risks of being a stranded asset? Time will tell.

I can't wait for someone to take Scott Morrison and the Federal Government to court regarding Climate Change.

Meanwhile after the huge loss of habitat with our unprecedented fires in January, California is also experiencing huge unprecedented firestorms. Along with unprecedented costs due to a Global Pandemic do you think the planet is trying to tell us something?

What else will be unprecedented this year? 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Australian Carbon Price Day of Shame

Shame on Australia.

The farce surrounding the repeal of the Carbon Tax is revealing the decay in the standard of politics and debate in our fair country.

Last time I looked Barnaby Joyce, my lamb roast didn't cost $100. It was only $15 per kilo last week. Better than Lamb Back straps. If this is the level of your understanding then ....!

As Mr Adam Bandt is saying on the radio just now, we won't get our $550 back as the increase in electricity costs has largely been induced by increasing fixed standing charges.

I will be checking my bill in the next year.

So shame on a country, one of the richest in the world, who says we have neither the leadership, the moral authority or the reasoned scientific argument to fairly price Carbon pollution, to everyone who uses and emits.

So we will miss out on the tide of investment and jobs in the new Renewable Economy. It will cost us more.
Just like we did with the Internet and Digital Revolution.
we will unfairly contribute to a word environment problem with our selfishness. Act local, think Global.

A day of shame indeed.

With hopefully electoral backlash to all who participated.
So who is investing in a new air conditioner, this El Nino summer??