Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Green Voters & Chaser Boys

So the Chasers are parodying the Green Voters tonight in "Yes we Canberra". From the promo I heard, the targets are inner-city, non-business running, non-farming background, drugged hippies looking to score girls or other things.
Like all parodies there are elements of the truth here. Comments I have heard from my friends include the concerns echoed by Mad Hatter Katter regarding regional issues. Several friends come from farming backgrounds but are living and working in the city as they did not want to continue life on the land. I come from a family where coal mining was a major occupation in the "home country". Members of the family have moved on since then and now enjoy a whole range of jobs. Life moves on and so do opinions! Greenies have some points of view worth listening too also!
So lets enjoy the parody of the Chaser Boys, pick-up on the issues and try to strive for some sensible policies. Vote 1 for the Chaser Boys holding a mike under the nose of a cow! And lets see whether the independents can show some greatness of spirit and get the country running again.

PS: How about both Julia & Tony for PM. Malcolm & Penny, Costello & Swan. Just like a marriage made in Heaven!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Election Hangover!

And I thought today it would be over. The Election I mean. After all the weeks of campaigning and hot air, I was hoping for some result that would mean the best "person/party" would win. But now we have what threatens to be a hung parliament with a few independents being able to wield enormous power over the rest of the population.
It was so interesting to see how different each state was in terms of the way the people voted. Australia really is made up of differing countries inside the one island.
The high informal vote just added to the surreality of it all. Perhaps Latham & "Yes we canberra" picked up on the feelings of many. Art informing life informing art!
Obviously, the major parties will have to have a long hard look at themselves and see what went wrong.
The issues are complex, there isn't one simple solution, and we all think differently about the proposed solutions- that seems to be the message the public is saying. But I found the campaign profoundly negative.
While working at the library, my number one query was "where's the closest polling booth?"
At least they got an answer.