Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Did the Earth Move For You??

Victoria has had a number of shocks recently. The latest was a 5.3 earthquake situated near Moe in the state’s south-east. I was watching Foreign Correspondent on ABC TV when the sliding door nearby rattled for a good few seconds. While my couch didn’t move (too weighed down perhaps?) it was pretty obvious that we had an earthquake.
After checking everything was ok and there hadn’t been a short windstorm outside the patio, I jumped on the iPAD and checked Geoscience Australia. No joy there, the site crashed with all the traffic ( when will governments learn to fund their websites appropriately??) then turned to Facebook and  the Amercian Geological Survey which gave accurate data about the quake within about 15 minutes.
I didn’t turn to the Age website, the Age newspaper or any other media outlet, other than Facebook. I went directly to the source of technical knowledge, repute and interest – the geologists who have sensitive machines measure these things. I also turned to my friends who are inhabiting social media.
 This also illustrates the other quake that hit Melbourne and Australia in the last couple of days, the shedding of thousands of staff at Fairfax media empire.
I don’t buy the newspapers except for the Saturday edition. I do the crosswords and look at the magazines and occasional business stuff. My other half reads the main pages and does the Sudoku. The rest gets turfed into recycling bin or used for cleaning the fire.
So here is the dilemma. I buy the Age, read it at the library occasionally, but don’t support it financially.
 I certainly won’t buy the Age newspaper at all if Editorial Freedom is lost!  
 I consume media largely from free websites, such as the ABC, and specialist groups – Australian Conservation Foundation, government websites, and overseas websites. I watch TV, read blogs and watch non-fiction DVD’s often sourced from my public library.
So Brave New World – it will rock on whether I like it or not!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Feed-In-tariff (FiT)and new Solar Installations

Have you got your submission to the Victorian CEC "Power From the People" Draft Report ready yet? It's due on the 15 June which is only a couple of days away. So get typing people!!
I wonder if the owners of new Photovoltaic panels, now popping up everywhere I look in my suburb, have had mentioned that their standard FiT will only last til 2015?
I wonder what the commission calls a good ROI (Return on Investment).
Invest $8000, earn how much per year ( at 8c per KwH) and save >25c per KwH similar amount in usage.
How long will it take to pay for the system then??
Read the Department of Primary Industries "Misleading Claims about Solar Power". I wonder if they should add in the reduced FiT as being a Misleading Claim. So much for trusting governments!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Snow, Floods & Storms - Weather Down Under

  • Snow in Christchurch

Christchurch 7 June 12

Winter in the Southern Hemisphere! Not as mild and easy to cope with as some may think!
Good luck to all those affected by the weather.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Carbon Tax Time is Nigh

Everywhere I look and listen there are articles on the imminent Australian Carbon Tax.
Choice Magazine (June 2012 p13) asks that people look out for Carbon Tax Scams - people calling asking for your bank account of personal details to receive a compensation package.

Go Figure and go check the sky at the end of July!