Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Free Rice and Learning New Words

If you are interested in learning news words and testing your own understanding of words in the English language then try out the Free Rice Web site.

For each word you get right, 5 grains of rice are donated by the sponsors through the UN World Food Program to help alleviate poverty. Your benefit is to increase your knowledge of words and their meanings if you "play" regularly. Or just to have a bit of fun. Particularly if you are in a family like mine where the other members of the family tend not to play word games because they know they'll get beaten.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Moment to make you smile

This morning, on the way to my local supermarket, I saw an elderly couple waiting for the bus. The were well dressed with the lady wearing an attractive skirt. What made me smile was that they were dancing on the footpath, practicing their waltzing or foxtrot. Obviously seizing the moment and enjoying their early morning.

So lets hope they also enjoyed their trip as I enjoyed seeing their enthusiasm.