Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Budget BS

Tonight the Federal Government will hand down its first budget. After all the speculation we will finally learn what cuts, levies, taxes and broken promises the Treasurer will make to fund his "budget emergency"
You can bet he won't keep the Carbon Tax which was actually very effective and delivered money into the Federal coffers as well as encouraging investment in efficiencies (productivity gains) and new technologies (innovation and jobs).
This government has managed to get rid of or try to cut anything that has the words Solar, Renewable, Science and Carbon in it. That's where ideology takes you of course!
Meanwhile I generated 3.5 kWh of my own electricity today with a 1 kW unit.
A few years down the track, when the rest of the world is reaping the current investment boom in these new Energy and Job programs, we'll be still stuck with old system, high carbon emissions and higher costs.
Several ABC Radio National Programs highlighted these issues in the weekend Science Show, Ockham's Razor and Background Briefing.;

  1. Australia Playing Catchup With US, Europe and China in Renewable Energy. You can see University of Queensland Solar real-time graphs here.
  2. Death Spiral Begins for Australian Electricity will tell your where all your electricity costs go - 50% to poles and wires and very little to the Carbon Tax. Discovered by a NSW Farmer no less.
  3. Ockham's Razor " Decarbonizing for Growth" with Michael Molitor gives some big number and big ideas on how to maintain growth for the next 2.5 billion people. I have some criticisms of this talk as little discussion was made about resource constraints, EROI and other factors that come into play moving to this Brave New Renewable World. But I did like Professor Michael Molitor's discussion on GDP and GPI: Genuine Progress Indicator.
  4. Lastly the Background Briefing "The Price of Power" by Jess Hill
Michael Molitor's comments "Of course, the most efficient means of transferring investment into highly efficient low or zero carbon assets is to launch a carbon tax.  The Australian Government did this in 2011 and some of the roughly AUD$7 billion in annual revenue went to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation"
"Even more controversial, what if reducing carbon emissions represented the only pathway by which global economic growth targets could be met? If this were true, and my research suggests it is, then instead of a race to the bottom where everyone fears reduced economic growth from high carbon costs, we move to a race to the top where reducing carbon emissions becomes the most attractive growth opportunity in history".

So I'll probably throw up my hands and swear while watching the budget thinking of the short sighted politicians and their big business mates who are denying the bleeding obvious, and expecting me to pay for their mistakes!
Thank you ABC for providing intelligent and alternative commentary. I just hope you survive the Budget! 
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