The ABS puts the average household size at 2.6 people, meaning 2,600,000 Australians or possibly more think having Solar on their roof will help ameliorate the anticipated electricity price rises.
Going Solar Report, Centre of Policy Development |
Andrew mentioned here that the take-up of solar was by the more affluent households. I would argue, from looking at the large numbers in my suburb whose socio-economic status is middle-low income, that this is not now the case. But there is no doubting that if you don't own your roof you can't invest in Solar Power.
This current report indicates that the drivers of cost reductions in the PV industry has been the large decreases in manufacturing costs as China manufactures and install more Solar. This is predicted to continue.
"Socket Parity" is the term used in this report, pg 14, to show countries whose Solar PV costs have fallen to parity or better against traditional fossil fuel electricity generation.
CPD"Going Solar"Report, pg 14 |
So this morning, as the temperature fell to approximately 5 degrees C, I am able to sit in the sunshine without heating and generate electricity. Go figure whats better for you, control over your own electricity use and generation or leave that up to business interests.
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