Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lobbying, politics and influence

Its not often that I catch myself agreeing with magnates such as Clive Palmer, but when listening to today's Background Briefing (ABC Radio National ) on the role and regulation of political lobbyists, I do.

We all have been worried by the shenanigans of MP's like Craig Thompson, union influence on the Labour Party let along corruption such as in the Health Service Union and other non-disclosures of conflict of interests in quite a few politicians of all political persuasions.

We are also very aware that a 'retired' politician often becomes an influential lobbyists and pop-up as chairpersons of commissions etc such as the review of Queensland Finances by ex-treasurer Peter Costello.

It seems the Queensland Liberal National Party has been trying to reduce the conflict of interest potential of professional lobbyists (on behalf of third parties) in the ranks of high officials of the party. They also tried, but failed to do the same for the Federal Liberal Party according to the Radio report. Labor has also failed to reduce or control lobbyists and union power.

Commonsense dictates that experts should be used for their expertise. When does a conflict of interest become corruption and how do we pick this up?
Open and honest government, disclosure of conflict of interest and proper procedure helps. as does a vigorous media presence. Governing for the people of your country helps but in some cases the governments have to lead the people, take unpopular decisions and make policy that will improve the country as a whole. Honest people as our politicians are what is needed and an interested,informed population.

We shall see how well the Liberal/National Parties fare in both State and I suspect Federal Politics.
The Labor brand is well and truly tarnished in NSW and now Federally.

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