Thursday, November 29, 2012

November Heat

While the media have been busily reporting the increasing certainty, in the scientific community, of the earth warming beyond the targeted 2 degrees C, the delegates from the current DOHA COP-18 meeting have been handing out Fossil Awards.

New Zealand, USA, Canada & Japan all "won" first prize for not having binding targets. So much for waiting for binding International agreements!
The Euro Zone was applauded for reaching its Kyoto targets 10 years early but reproached for not setting further targets.

The Euro-zone is deep in recession meaning industrial output, thus emissions are not rising. This is probably a major reason why the Euro-zone has reached its Kyoto emission target.
Social cohesion and the maintenance of a civil society is not a given with huge numbers of unemployed. For more see the Youth website

Lets hope that the change to clean technology does not require the pain and waste of human lives as is being demonstrated by other countries, notably the so called "Arab Spring" countries and poverty-stricken failed states in Asia and Africa.

Meanwhile my Smart Meter has yet to appear, I'm generating more than 6kWh per day from my 1 kW Photovoltaic system.

Today Melbourne's expected temperature is 38 degrees C - 100 degrees F. If we get higher than that we will be getting close to a record breaking November temperature. Not a good start to the summer season.

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