Monday, November 12, 2012

Cars & Climate

Just as Australia has released its Energy White Paper, confirming that its natural resources of coal, oil, gas and uranium will be dug up and shipped overseas, no matter what anyone has to say on climate change, my car, that essential machine of pollution, greenhouse gas generation and freedom in modern city life has stopped.
It just won't go and the local mechanics are calling in THE SPECIALIST!
(But before I rant on, a big thank-you to G and J from RACV Roadside Assistance- fast and friendly service indeed.)

Just when I've moved library branches there is no way to get from my house to work via the one train line. In fact the Public Transport Victoria Journey Planner  tells me it will take 2 hrs and 8 minutes to get to work on public transport - walk, then bus to train station, then off the train to another bus, then walk to the next train station, then take that to my workplace (which is right next to another train station).
So much for Melbourne's radial transport network!
So I'll have to catch a lift to work tomorrow and being a night shift, it will entail lots of phaffing around.
So while I am waiting for a new,green, electric car to commute in, I will probably have to buy a newer petrol car. The old one, is sounding suspiciously like a goner!
The new electric cars cost >$50,000. Hybrid Camry's and Honda Civic's >$30,000 which is more than this poor public servant lady can afford at this moment in time. (Or wants to spend given other looming commitments).
So while I'm grounded  I may as well read part of this blasted White Paper. The Conversation web site featured an article "Energy White Paper plans to burn, burn, burn it all" by Chris McGrath who is also disgusted in this outcome.

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