Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Year Resolutions

My resolutions for 2014 are as follows:

Melbourne's Beautiful Federation Square

  1. Continue to battle the bulge - in belongings, waistline, excess spending etc
  2. Contribute more to Environment Groups battling the desecration of all parts of the Australian Environment - land, water, sea and air. We'll be watching you Federal & State Governments and corporations!
  3. Try to motivate my family to take care of themselves, their belongings and me! Unfortunately a lost cause as I suspect as my influence disappeared the day I tried to get them to be adults and take responsibility for computer use, their own washing, dentist bookings, hair cuts and helping around the house. But I'll keep trying!
  4. Try and keep a closer eye on the elders of the family. Being located in a country 3000km away makes this one a bit difficult but as they get older, the possibility that I'll need to make a rushed flight to attend to a funeral only increases. Celebrating their life is important.
  5. Try to be healthy, happy and interested in life.
  6. Try to reduce my environmental footprint a bit. Time for serious renovations including possible double glazing! This is dependent on outside factors in my life!
 So Happy New Year to all of you. 

As the popular quotation " May you live in interesting times!" is often defined as a Chinese Curse, I will hope instead that the world we live in becomes more equitable, sustainable and enjoyable to all its inhabitants.

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Greenstone Girl