Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Floods, Fires - Australia's Adaptation

While Melbourne managed to get a few drops of rain recently, all media focus switched from the high country fires to the floods in Queensland.
The same towns as 2011 were in danger of flooding - Grantham, Lockyer Valley, Gladstone, parts of Brisbane with dams overflowing and controlled releases of water from the Brisbane River Wivenhoe Dam. Bundaberg, meanwhile reached record flood levels.
The flooding is less severe than 2011 (mostly) but the combination of 6 tornadoes from cyclone Harold and resulting huge dump of rain over a few days is causing similar results to last time. Hopefully, without the loss of life and lesser property damage.
Insurance companies must be wondering how they can afford to insure these areas.
The "brittle buildings" as mentioned recently in the Financial Review that cannot withstand 6-9 meter rise in water.
A suggestion to buy out these properties was made on Jon Faine's 774 ABC Local Radio program this morning. Now in the land of the "droughts and flooding rain" ("My Country" by Dorothea McKellar) which government can afford to do that?
Some of the residents of Grantham agreed to a land swap and have rebuilt on higher ground. They are now benefiting from their wisdom.
A Liberal/National Party Government is likely to cut government services, sack public servants and outsource your services to profit making enterprises, and sell off the public enterprises in order to balance the budget. Not that a Labor Government is any better with record borrowings and toadying to big business.
Neither of them actually listening to what science is saying about the risk and costs of climate change. (Remember the Garnaut Report Chpt 15 reported on my blog 28 Jan 2011)
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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