Friday, August 17, 2012

Carbon Tax Bills and Ocean Health

I received my yearly rate bill yesterday. The Council rates have increased by some $120 since last year reflecting a number of things, including the Carbon Tax. The bill states "The Carbon Tax is $25.00 on average per assessment".
So the rest of the increase must be due to other factors such as a need for more money by council to pay its staff, and/or to pay its legal bills (perhaps knowing this council) and/or increase in property values (very probable in Melbourne) and/or other factors beyond my knowledge. I'll have to see if I can read council's budget to see why.
I am awaiting my winter power bill to see the effect of the Carbon Tax on that. The increase will be exaggerated by the fact an elderly relative has landed in my house and needs to be kept warm all day. This increase in power has been offset by my youngest child getting a job and partner, which means he is more often not at home!
Meanwhile the CSIRO has released its latest report on the warming of the Ocean- tropical fish found as far south as Tasmania! You may like a 1 degree warming, but its a further indication of how quickly things are changing. This follows northern hemisphere reports (yet again) on the reducing level of Arctic Sea Ice.

So tell me, is it worth paying an extra few dollars, on a Carbon Tax, to possibly (though increasingly unlikely) slow the destruction of our environment! Or are we waiting for the sea ice to totally disappear from the Arctic before "believing" the science!!
From Next Gen website

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