Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 Years on from 9/11

This week the media has been running daily stories on how the world has changed since the horrendous attacks on the World Trade Centre, Pentagon and other areas. I remember waking up that morning, turning on the radio while having the morning coffee and being transfixed by the news. Moving to the TV coverage gave access to the confronting views of the twin towers on fire and then, almost immediately (care of TV), collapsing in that enormous cloud of dust. I couldn't believe it - watching for hours.

So has my life changed since then? Not really as no one I know was involved. But I think our society has.

My "mad scientist" and I have been to the US since then and have endured patiently the extra security involved. On my family trip to California I was "tagged" as a Security target so spent the entire trip, from the moment of offering my tickets and bag to be checked in, to be searched, swabbed, and put in security areas. Las Vegas corralled myself and my teenager, put me through x-ray, swabbing, patting down and detailed property searches.
My scientist, on his trip shortly after 9/11, was searched 3 times before boarding the aeroplane.

But still the attacks continue. ASIO reports today that the organisation has tripled, and they are following more suspects than ever before. Most are radicals of one sort or another- not just islamic fundamentalists.

Islamic women using the traditional head-dress have been targeted and Islamic youth have often found Australia's intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq to be completely repugnant. Fear, violence and inability to solve these intractable problems in poor, war-torn countries has lead to mass refugee problems and violence in our lucky country as well as America. And those who should know better, use the fear of the stranger to implement extreme views and policies.

So does war solve anything? Not this one. I don't like my freedoms being restricted and I'm sure the poor refugees didn't like being raped, attacked and left to starve by their "governments". But it is a wake-up call for our self-complacent society, to really try and help people solve their own problems. without killing masses of them, if possible.

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