Yesterday the Climate Commission released its "The Critical Decade" report. This updates the science on Climate Change and continues the warning that this decade is critical for actually doing something about changing our behaviour. Key message number 4 states: " This is the critical decade. Decisions we make from now to 2020 will determine the severity of climate change our children and grandchildren experience. "
John Faine, after his holiday in Turkey, commented that in Europe no one is still arguing the science but is actually trying to do something. The fairly lax standards introduced initially are being tightened and some are proposing that the European Union will impose greenhouse gas controls on products and services imported from parts of the world that lack such regulations.
So no matter what we do, others will impose their solutions on us. Whether Britain can manage a 50% cut in Carbon Emissions as reported by (and others) is moot, at least it is having the moral and physical attempts at trying. Unlike us, so far.
So gird your loins and expect price changes in electricity (coming anyway with infrastructure improvements in network and transmission), fuel, food, imports etc, etc.
Just start saving and stop consuming quite so much and many of us will have money to pay for these changes.
Think global & act local.
But even if we cut CO2 emissions it won't make a lot of difference right? Favourite argument of the denial movement. Check out Skeptical Science site for the maths for this. Rational argument, detailed explanation , not 1 minute, TV/Radio, irrational sound bites help to understand these problems.
Go to your local library and any of the plethora of books and magazines on the subject. Go do something useful.
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