Friday, February 27, 2009

Jobs and Interviews

I was amused to hear the Industry Minister on TV quoting " I wouldn't say anyone's job was safe". In this current climate (both economic and environmental), I would also assume his job is very insecure.
As I am currently employed in the local government sector providing services to a wide range of people in the community, I would like to think my job is relatively secure. I expect my skills will be in greater need following the recent spate of sackings of other workers, who hopefully can have quality retraining and a chance at other positions.
As I am in the process of submitting my resume online and typing up a cover letter, lets hope I will be invited to an interview. Interviewing skills are something else so I will have to hit the shops for a decent pair of shoes, a hint I picked up at a recent "interview hints" seminar I attended.
A good thing Mr Garrett is reforming Midnight Oil for the bushfire concert. He might need recent band expertise in a year or two also!

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