Friday, June 6, 2008

Winter and warming

After almost a week of foggy, crisp mornings and brilliant sunny days we know in Melbourne that winter has arrived. Aeroplane flights were delayed several mornings this week but we are extremely lucky to be living in an area where such great weather is normal in winter.
The wood stove (with triple burn technology) has been used to great effect this week and there is nothing like sitting in front of a warm fire and reading a good book.
This weekend I'm starting "A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" by Marina Lewycka as part of the book club I belong to. Its only a short book so I'll expect to complete it by the end of the long weekend.
What are you doing these wintry nights?
While watching ABC TV last week I was intrigued by the story on power generation in Woking, UK. It just shows you that one person can make a difference. The change from one polluting technology (greenhouse gases) to a far less polluting technology is possible when someone is committed and passionate about the problem. For those interested here is the website
And it seemed to use previously known technology and cost less.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I hope you don’t mind me posting this request directly to your blog, but I am very interested in what you are achieving in your work as a public librarian.

    I find it hilarious that your weather seems to be the same as ours here in Yorkshire,UK, even though we are supposed to be at the height of our Summer!

    My name is Sarah Hammond and I am conducting some research in fulfilment of my MA in Librarianship at the University of Sheffield. I am interested in how public libraries and librarians feel about the use of so-called social networking websites and software as a tool for the library and its various

    I am interested in obtaining the views of as many public librarians who can
    spare a few moments to complete this survey but if you do not wish to but think
    one of your colleagues might, then please forward it on to them.

    Could I ask you to please spare a few minutes to whizz through my survey that can be found here?:

    Click Here to take survey

    Kind regards

    Sarah Hammond

    Student on the MA in Librarianship programme
    Department of Information Studies
    University of Sheffield


Thank You for your comment. I appreciate you taking time to read and reflect on my blog.
Greenstone Girl