Monday, September 9, 2024

 Spring has certainly sprung a little bit early in much of the southern areas of Australia with warm days and fewer cool nights than usual.

Since the horrendous bushfires in late 2019 - January 2020, much of the south-eastern states have experienced milder weather. But the hot weather in NSW has lead to early bushfires with high fuel loads from the good growth.. 

Meanwhile, down my way extreme winds have battered the state leading to lots of tree damage. My property has been spared that, but the back fence is down. My long south fence line is only standing due to being tied up with rope.

So now I will have to get some fencers in to repair the damage. 

In the meantime the family has had Covid again with the mad scientist succumbing for a few days to a very mild bout, his very first as far as we know.

The Australian Senate Enquiry into Excess Mortality completed its report in August 2024. As per other reports by the Australian Bureau of Stats and Digital Actuaries, most of the excess deaths were directly caused by Covid-19. But an improvement in data collection was one recommendation from the report.

One of the Australian Senators, Babet was criticized by the enquiry for manipulative editing of parts of the Senate enquiry broadcast leading to threatening messages to some of the officials. 

My twitter feed, however, barely mentions this enquiry result with the normal suspects & acolytes, continuing with their anti-vax rants and misinformation. 

The retirement of Robert Kennedy Jnr from the USA Presidential Race in August 24 and his throwing of support to Donald Trump continues the narrative that the right-wing has with anti-vax, anti-science messaging. 

The spring winds are a reminder that the world is prone to fits and starts, without warning.