Monday, March 31, 2014

Ocean Garbage - searching for the Malaysian plane.

The search for the missing Malaysian flight MH370 continues with a huge number of people and equipment searching for any signs.
My heart goes out to the relatives who by now must come to terms with the loss of their loved ones.
But as I hear about all the debris spotted by the satellites and plane searchers, I wonder how much garbage is in our oceans.
Sympathy to those who have lost loved ones.
In spite of all the searching, no one has yet identified any of the hundreds of pieces spotted as being from the plane. 
The ocean is vast and this search is much more than the proverbial needle in the haystack.
It's turning out to be an expensive garbage collection.

The CSIRO research on Marine Debris by Denise Hardesty and others has been on the news in the week following this post. Here is a link to their research and the Radio National Sunday Extra Report

Let's hope some real news comes before the black box stops sending messages. If that happens the plane may be lost for many years.

Let's hope not.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Volte Face - PUP

I was surprised and very skeptical to receive an email from Solar Citizens and others regarding the Palmer United Party (PUP)  and Renewable Energy Targets (RET)
Red Sunset on the Autumnal Equinox
"I am writing today with a very important update regarding the future of the Renewable Energy Target in Australia.
Just yesterday evening Clive Palmer and members of his Palmer United Party (PUP), announced they support the maintenance of Australia's current 20% renewable energy target.*
Palmer himself told Fairfax Media he is a ''supporter of renewable energy'', and Palmer United's lead WA Senate candidate, Dio Wang said he thought the current review of the Renewable Energy Target was a ''waste of taxpayers' money.''"

But of course, this changed the very next day - support only involves a voluntary Renewable Energy Target. Why am I not surprised"

I thought it was too good to be true! I didn't think PUP had a record of interest in sustainable, renewable development. Now I'm sure of it!

Well done Federal Senate for refusing to allow the repeal of the Carbon Tax!

But its a dangerous game, pushing for a double dissolution, given the current climate (pun intended).

Friday, March 14, 2014

Reality in Kiwi land

Having 3 weeks holiday clears the brain and body of its lingering stresses and worries. My holiday with elderly relatives in New Zealand exposes me to an older way of living.
People do things by getting outside and talking to each other. No one has Facebook.
Holt's Forest, Tutira
My relatives enjoy company with endless rounds of lunches and coffees, supporting local jobs and produce growers. (Note including getting upset about NZ Apples not being allowed in Australia!)
Some have computers but most keep these in the background, not allowing these boxes to take over their waking life.
Marketers will not be able to track them as they rarely use credit cards, can't fill in their tax forms online and listen to radio, TV and read newspapers. No push email's for them.
My elderly relatives also don't care about debates on climate change. After all, they won't be around to see the effects. They also won't be around to get any benefit from energy savings apart from insulation.

Rangitoto Island - Now Pest Free!

But thank goodness for smart phones! At least I got a small drip of news and views of what has been happening in Australia. Thanks to push emails from Getup, Climate Council, ACF, Environment Victoria and other organisations.

But in New Zealand, the climate change debate continues with many a denier and whats worse, much apathy. The North Island is suffering another summer drought, and Christchurch was inundated with a 1 in 100 year flood, made worse by the land changes from the earthquakes.
I hardly saw a Solar Hot Water System, or Photovoltaic Array on any roof, and I was in one of the sunniest parts of the country. I saw few string shopping bags but much worry about rising Electricity costs. Petrol was $2.19c per litre.
For 100% Pure New Zealand, there is still lots more they can do to decarbonize their economy. But at least they have an Emission's Trading Scheme-

That's more than what we will have, come July 2014!