Normally I time my annual leave to coincide with summer. I flee Melbourne to climates a bit more moderate and enjoy time with my older relatives.
This year, one of my cousins visited me in Melbourne so we took the opportunity to go away for a couple of days to Phillip Island and the Mornington Peninsula. Not too far but good to get away.
We experienced the delights of watching the Little Penguins in their nightly return to the beach in Phillip Island. The
Penguin Parade, as it is known, is well patronized throughout the year. It was reasonably warm sitting on the boardwalk and watching as rafts of Penguins surfed into the beach after dark (5:46 pm), stopped to preen their feathers and chat to their neighbours, then scuttle up the hills or along the tussock pathways to their burrows.
Although the National Park Rangers do their best to make the tourists stay quiet and out of their way, the birds are certainly being
managed by us humans. The burrows are often man-made and the Rangers have a fox eradication program under way to help reduce the unnatural predation by these introduced mammals.
This is the third time I've seen the birds and their numbers do seem to have increased.
No photography was allowed as the Penguins have sensitive eyes.
I liked this comment in a
recent media release "
And it appears the little penguins were getting in early with the average laying date of the first clutch falling on September 13, the earliest in 13 years - something that researchers expect will happen more often as the waters of Bass Strait warm up."
However photography
was allowed at the
Koala Conservation Centre further inland, where a number of these lovely creatures were sitting up their trees doing what comes naturally, eating gum leaves!
Lets hope the conservation efforts being made by many Australians enable us to maintain and increase the numbers of these lovely and unique animals.