After what seems like an eternity I am back from holiday and starting to get used to the new year. I had a holiday this year before and during Christmas and set myself a goal to leave the computer behind and concentrate on relaxing and letting the festive season wash past without stress.
2010 will be quite a year for me on many different fronts - work, family and hopefully personally. My perennial NewYear resolution - to lose weight and exercise more is looking promising, so long as the weather stays reasonably mild.
I have now gone back to work, pool and exercise bike. But still the christmas cake effect lingers around the waist and hips.
I have instituted family meetings to try and bring some sort of order into the doings of the family. All these targets and requests will need some work to succeed but perhaps the idea of setting goals may create a sense of getting things done and family spirit. Thats the idea anyway.
My garden produced a ton of beans over the Christmas period. They are now finished but soon we will be inundated with zucchinis and cucumbers.(so long as they survive the hot weather). And as the rain fell in large amounts up til the end of December our water tanks are again full and being used instead of Melbourne's precious water supply. The kids wondered how I could eat beans directly from the garden - nice sweet, crunchy beans - can't beat them!
My Solar Panels are installed and working well. We are surprised at how much power is generated on cooler, lightly cloudy days. However, to be truly effective we would need double the generating capacity - something that is not likely to happen again soon.