Alas in the storm last night I lost 2 of my medium sized trees. My 4 metre high, spreading Blue Pacific, (Ceanothus), was just about to burst into their beautiful blue flowers. Now it is in ruins on the back lawn. We have spent several hours cutting it up into large branches. The roots were very shallow, consistent with trying to grow in our hard clay soil. So the rain and 130 km/hr gusts reported in Melbourne last night were just too much.
The other tree was a Cape Virgilia. This one is not supposed to last very long as it is a fast growing tree. Unfortunately the bees will have a tough time with these 2 trees about to provide heaps of flowers for them.
We have another eucalypt tree in a pot waiting for a spot in the garden so will have to get the stumps out, add clay breaker (again) and try and build the soil up. So far we have lost 7 trees to winds over the years, always the tall ones and largely due to a mixture of wind and rain.
On the good side there will be plenty of logs and kindling for the wood fire for next year.